Growing up in a log cabin in a small southern Indiana town, repurposing was just a part of life. As a youngster I salvaged and rescued all of the unwanted and unloved scraps I could get my hands on…and I never outgrew the passion for saving all things considered “JUNK”.

I grew up around welding, engine work and general tinkering in the shop. In the house there was always sewing, cooking and homemaking underway. I learned to combine those skills and incorporate them into my creations making each piece truly unique. Our pieces show our love of nature and appreciation for all things vintage.
By purchasing a one-of-a-kind piece or supporting us on our online platforms you are investing into our process of saving junk, one piece at a time.
After many years of creating exclusively for myself, making unique gifts for my family and friends, I decided to test the market outside my inner circle. I started selling at local craft shows and barn markets, choosing those that would allow my beloved VW truck as a vendor booth. Thus was born Junk In This Truck, a company sharing our love of junk, reimagining it into a piece that is perfectly imperfect. My work can currently be purchased and seen in person at the Hoosier Artist Gallery in Nashville, Indiana https://www.hoosierartist.com/

“Build with what you are given” – Marci aka JuneBug
I say “our fleet” instead of “my fleet” because really, when my family is together, we all “share” our old cars. It’s funny because when you are the driver of a vintage car, you rarely get to “see” it go by, unless of course you cruise downtown past the old bank where you can see your reflection in the black marble as the car passes by.
So to solve this unfortunate “side effect” of vintage car ownership, we swap drivers and then, we can see the cars we aren’t driving! (I know, I know…weirdos! Ha!).
Currently, I own a 1961 Land Rover Series 2a (Raggedy Ann), a 1967 VW double cab (Rusty), and a 1958 VW panel bus (Pickle).

All are unrestored although the double cab and rover are daily drivers. The 1958 is currently “under the knife” and to date is the most challenging project I have ever tackled! My husband has a 1962 VW beetle (Ruby) also unrestored but an incredible driver with great patina and a strong 40hp engine! My dad has a 1955 VW (oval window) beetle that he restored from an absolute pile of pieces! It has working semaphores (turn signals) that are just wicked cool! My brother has two convertibles, a 1965 VW beetle (Southern Belle) and a 1960 VW beetle (Patches), both are daily drivers with original paint! I feel very blessed to be the temporary steward of my “the hoard.” Of course I supplement all the vehicles with motorized scooters, pedal cars and TRAILERS!!! I mean they don’t call me the “trailer queen” for nothing! We rent the cars out occasionally for weddings or photo shoots and most times we drive them to the site! Any excuse to drive somewhere is good enough for me! They are all old cars and sometimes they have “adventures” waiting around the corner for us often viewed by others as “problems.” We just approach it differently…life is an adventure and sometimes you have to get dirty!! As we all share the same “disease” we also all share in the repairs and maintenance often calling back and forth until we figure out where the “adventure” is taking us. One of my good friends, rustybusgoods on Instagram, always says “life is what you make it, so let’s get our hands dirty” and I couldn’t agree more.

Having driven old VW’s since before I had a driver’s license I will say this…there is absolutely nothing like it. When you buy a vintage VW you buy more than a car you buy a culture and you meet family members along the path you never knew you had. Because TRUST me everyone has a VW story, but that isn’t the best part. The best part is they want to share it with you because you are now family you can’t wait to hear it! In a vintage car, especially a VW, don’t ever expect to get anywhere on time…you might break down, but I am 100% certain IF you stop for gas or food or anything you will get stopped by someone who takes the time to appreciate your ride! I personally love that part most about driving an old car.

Folks don’t realize what they are missing driving new cars. There are radios to distract and air conditioning instead of wing (vent) windows…the seats aren’t made of horse hair and the new “electric motors” don’t smell like exhaust…new cars practically drive themselves. In an old machine you know you are “good on the stick” if you can drive while a cup of coffee is in one hand and the shifter in the other. In an old car you are forced to become one with it…it is mechanical and there is something in the human spirit that connects to that in a way different to anything else.

Life looks very different through the windshield of an old ride, so slow down and enjoy it!