The Artist – Marci Wease

Salvaged - Junk In This Truck - Marci Wease - Metal Artist
Junk In This Truck - Marci Wease - Metal Artist

Hello beautiful people! My name is Marci Wease and I’m the artist behind Junk In This Truck.

I just recently resigned from my “real” job, as a forensic DNA analyst (been there almost 20 years!) and now, I’m in full “create” mode! 

I’m taking a huge leap of faith and putting all of my belief into my talents, my passion and my art. It’s scary/exciting, but I hope that by sharing my journey, I can inspire others to put more energy into the things that make you happy and generate joy.

I will be constantly adding new art to my Shop, so be sure to keep an eye out for new reveals!

I am also excited to roll out my newest item, PICKLE CHIPS! Now, you can purchase a piece of Pickle The VW Bus and support the project! 

Projects like these fill my heart with happiness, as I am determined to spread more good in this crazy/wild world! Repurposing “junk” into art and functional designs is my way of rescuing, restoring and rebuilding from what I have.

As an artist, a wife, a mom and a human being, I am expressing my mission: to take less, make more and inspire. Thank you all for following along and supporting my art!